Italian-American Club Spring Dinner Dance
Friday, Apr. 11, 2014 - 5:15 PM
Rossmoor, Walnut Creek, CA
Italian-American Club Spring Dinner Dance
The Italian-American Club will be welcoming spring with a dinner dance on April 11 at the Event Center. The hosted bar will be open from 5:15 pm to 6:00 pm. Dinner, catered by Il Pavone, will be served at 6:30 pm.
The menu includes antipasto, mista salad, pasta with mini meatballs, chicken scaloppini, vegetables and dessert. Red and white wine and decaf coffee will also be included.
The evening will feature music by the Manny Guiterrrez band.
The price of the dinner is $30 for members and $35 for guests. Send reservations to Bertha Messina, 2666 Saklan Indian Drive No 8, Entry 12 Those wishing to be seated as a group must send checks and names in the same envelope. Deadline for reservations is Friday, April 4.
Reservations and cancellations will not be accepted after 5:00 pm on April 4. Those who are unable to attend after the deadline can make arrangements by noon, the day of the event, with Diane Mader at 287-9460 to pick up their dinner at 7:30. No pickup dinners will be available to those who did not call by noon to reserve the dinner for pickup. Name tags will be put on each dinner and the dinner will be brought to the table originally assigned to the person. Those unable to pick up their dinners should make arrangements for someone to bring it to them. For safety reasons attendees are not allowed to go into the kitchen.
Membership is open to Rossmoor residents of Italian origin and to those whose spouse is of Italian descent. Also included are Rossmoor residents who are widows/widowers of Italian spouses, who have met the club lineage requirement and were married to the deceased spouse for a minimum of ten years. Applications for membership will be reviewed by the board. Membership forms may be obtained from Sam and Anne Barnes, 1726 Stanley Dollar Drive, #1A, E8 or call 954-8878. Annual dues are $15 per person.